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准备申请Builder Licence,但害怕无法通过VBA面试?

​通过专业的强化培训,让您轻松通过VBA的评估,并获得您梦想的Builder Licence。

由licenced builder亲自授课,保证最高标准的专业性和通过率,每个班级不超过8个学生,保证小班化!


帮助华人学生更加轻松深入地学习申请builder licence所必要的知识技能

如果您已经完成Certificate IV或者Diploma的Building and Construction (Building)课程,并打算今后申请Builder Licence, 那么您应该参加这个课程,帮助您有针对性地进行提高和强化相关的专业知识。我们的课程能够帮助您节省大量的时间和成本,快速申请Builder Licence。

Builder Licence 注册申请流程

1. 达到学历要求

一般情况下,需要学生完成至少证书四级或者Diploma的Building and Construction (Building)课程

2. 满足经验要求


3. 递交评估申请并参加评估面试


4. 通过评估,获得Builder Licence


​想要了解更多的Builder Licence申请细节?

免费参加由专业Builder讲授的Builder Licence讲座

AC Career


Phone: 1300 696 744

Mobile: 0431 423 665 (中文)

We encourage people from diverse backgrounds and disabilities to apply for training. AC Career is not a Registered Training Organisation, each course listed on AC Career's  website or marketing material will include course codes and details of the Registered Training Organisation delivering the course. Trainings are delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding. People with disabilities or diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

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